Industry 4.0 brought with it a gigantic digital transformation that even already impacts the way many companies produce, distribute and manage their products. This change has driven the adoption of new technologies and digital solutions to optimize production processes and increase operational efficiency — thus generating a new and urgent demand: digital training for operational workers.
This is because the digital training of these people has become indispensable so that they can adapt to new technologies and continue contributing to the evolution of the industry. In addition, adopting a consistent culture of digital qualification and training can also bring a number of advantages to the company, such as increased employee engagement and improved productivity, as we will explain in this article. Come with Novidá!
Digital training for workers and its relationship with productivity in industry
Digitization and technology have transformed the industry in recent years, bringing positive impacts and revolutionizing the way business is conducted — there is no doubt about that. So much so that, increasingly, statistical data reinforce this trend and point to the importance of having employees capable of dealing with all this innovation without losing focus and without compromising their relationship with the company.
Proof of this is that, according to research by McKinsey, digitization can increase the annual productivity of global industry by up to 3.7% by 2025, generating savings of US$ 3.7 trillion per year. Not to mention the fact that technology can help reduce costs and increase efficiency in various areas such as preventive maintenance, logistics and quality control.
Along the same lines, a study carried out by Accenture consultancy in 2021 points out that companies that invest in technology and digitalization are 3 times more likely to increase their revenue and profitability in the next 5 years compared to companies that do not invest in this regard. These are data that, by themselves, already justify greater attention from managers when talking about the importance of digital training for workers, right?
However, even with all these possible benefits in play, many industries are still skating in the implementation of a digital culture. This is what a recent study by IDC shows, which indicates that 60% of Brazilian companies face difficulties in finding qualified professionals in digital technologies and, even so, prefer to seek this knowledge outside the corporation rather than investing in the training of in-house employees.
The problem is that this has a negative impact on innovation and productivity, since the lack of “education” of these employees can even generate security risks. We explain: nowadays, the incorrect or inappropriate use of digital technologies in the industry can expose the company to cyber threats and compromise data integrity. And the most worrying thing is that all this occurs in a scenario in which this training should be seen as a strategic investment, capable of generating significant returns in productivity, efficiency and competitiveness.
Now, how to deal with this dilemma?
Let’s face the facts: as we warned before, the lack of digital training of operational workers can generate risks and losses for the company, such as a drop in productivity, an increase in costs and a loss of competitiveness in the market. This is because, with the digital transformation, new tools and technologies are incorporated into production processes, and employees need to be prepared to use them efficiently.
In addition, as we have already warned, this lack of knowledge can lead to safety problems in the work environment, such as failures in the operation of equipment and exposure of confidential company information. There may also be resistance on the part of employees to accept and use new technologies, which can make it difficult to implement new processes and digital systems.
And as if all this were not enough, there is still a risk of losing talent to the competition. After all, with the growing demand for professionals trained in technology, operational workers who do not receive digital training may feel undervalued and look for opportunities in companies that offer better working conditions and training.
Therefore, it is important for companies to invest in digital instruction and training programs for operational workers, minimizing these risks and ensuring that these professionals are prepared to face the challenges of industry 4.0. Bear in mind that, by investing in training, companies can obtain several advantages, such as:
- Increased productivity: with the use of more modern and current technologies, production processes can become more efficient, reducing production time and increasing product quality. And of course, employees trained to use these cutting-edge solutions can further contribute to this improvement, generating a positive impact on the company’s productivity.
- Cost reduction: more efficient and optimized processes also help to generate a reduction in operating costs. Not to mention that the reduction of errors in the operation of equipment can generate savings in maintenance and repairs.
- Improved security: with proper training, employees can learn to use new technologies safely, minimizing the risk of accidents and exposure of sensitive company data.
- Employee engagement: by offering training and digital qualification, companies show that they are concerned with the professional development of their employees, which can generate an increase in engagement and satisfaction.
- Innovation: employees trained in technology can contribute with ideas and suggestions for the implementation of new processes and digital solutions, generating a culture of innovation in the company.
In other words, investing in the digital training of operational workers can be reflected in a boom of advantages and opportunities for your operation, contributing to improved productivity, cost reduction and increased innovation and safety in the work environment.
Find out how to get this culture of innovation off the ground!
The good news is that implementing a culture of digital encouragement and training for operational workers — the so-called “shop floor” — is not as difficult as you might think. It is possible to adopt some strategies that are already well established and, here, we list some of the most important ones. Write it down:
1- Map the skills of your employees
It is important to know the skills and knowledge that employees already have in relation to technology, so that training can be targeted and customized according to the needs of each one.
2- Offer face-to-face and online training
The combination of face-to-face and online training can be a good strategy to allow employees to learn at their own pace and according to their time availability. In addition, the company can save on training and infrastructure costs.
3- Promote knowledge sharing
Encouraging the exchange of knowledge among employees can generate a collaborative and engaged environment. A good practice is to create study groups or discussion forums so that employees can share their experiences and lessons learned.
4- Create a culture of continuous learning
It is important that employees understand that digital training is an ongoing process, not a one-off action. The company can encourage this culture of continuous learning by offering periodic lectures, webinars and training to keep employees updated.
5- Recognize and value qualified employees
Offering incentives and recognition to employees who excel in the use of digital technologies can be a good strategy to motivate others to also engage in training and improve their skills.
With these tips, companies can implement a culture that encourages digital knowledge, ensuring the training of operational workers and reaping the benefits in terms of productivity, cost reduction, safety and innovation.
And, of course, count on Novidá to get there!
In addition to all the advantages mentioned above, a company that invests in the digital training of its employees can rely on technological solutions that make productivity management much more efficient. Novidá, for example, offers a productivity control platform that is easy to implement and use. With this solution, managers can monitor employee performance in real time, identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement, and make more assertive decisions.
Novidá’s platform also brings other advantages to companies, such as the possibility of planning the allocation of personnel, taking into account the needs of each sector and the skills of employees. This helps to ensure that each professional is working in their area of greatest skill and competence, which can generate a significant increase in the productivity of the company as a whole.
Remembering that Novidá’s digital solutions also help to simplify the operational worker’s relationship with technology, making the adaptation process much easier and more natural. This is essential to ensure that employees do not feel overwhelmed or demotivated, but rather engaged and motivated to use the available tools to further contribute to the evolution of the industry. Talk to our team, learn more about our solutions and revolutionize your way of looking at digitalization in Industry 4.0!