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There is no doubt that people are the most important parts of any organization. That’s why people management is a fundamental topic within the company. In general, we can define it as the set of strategies, techniques and methods to manage human capital within a company.
Thus, activities related to staff management are linked to the improvement of skills, recognition and retention of employees. In other words, everything that concerns employees enters into people management.
The relationship between bosses and employees has changed a lot over the years. If before this relationship was quite hierarchical and imposing, today it is understood that establishing collaborative ties is much more productive. Thus, companies use people management to extract the best possible performance from their employees.
In this way, it is possible to say that people management is related to the search for efficiency and, consequently, to the growth and success of the company.
By understanding that people drive any business, it is easy to understand the importance of people management. If there is no concern to ensure a better quality of life and work for employees, the company will certainly suffer from high turnover and low motivation.
If maintaining harmony in interpersonal relationships is not an easy task, in the work environment the complexity is even greater. Factors such as pressure, goals, competitiveness, and the very differences between employees come into play. Added to this is the relationship between employees and the company, which also needs to be healthy.
The objective of people management is precisely to balance all these factors so that everyone within the organization “paddles in the same direction”. For this, it is necessary to do constant work, approaching different pillars as we will show below.
Motivation is essential within the corporate environment. If your employee is not satisfied, your productivity will certainly be affected. That’s why companies need to think about actions that motivate the team.
It is also important to diagnose what are the main causes that leave employees unmotivated. It can range from the function performed to a salary lower than desired. Once the problem is identified, the manager needs to make an effort to solve it as soon as possible.
Nobody likes to work in a place where there is not good communication. Leaders must strive to make all processes as transparent as possible.
In addition, it is important that employees have the space and freedom to give their ideas and feel safe to share them. For this, it is essential to encourage clear and open communication among all team members.
If employees have more freedom to ask questions and ask for help, the tendency is for processes to be much more productive and problems with rework are avoided.
Team Work
Every company is a single organism, where everyone must have the same objective. Seeing the importance of each sector of the company, it is easier for the employee to assimilate that he is part of a team and to see more relevance in his work.
Thus, it is important to encourage teamwork, creating work groups, for example. If you bring people with complementary profiles together, you increase the chance that good ideas will come up that would certainly not get off the ground if each one worked on their own.
Knowledge and Skills
Even considering all the other pillars already mentioned, nothing will help if the company does not hire employees who have the capacity to deal with the challenges that the work will offer.
Therefore, it is important to understand well which professional profile best fits your company. In addition, it is necessary to think strategically about how the teams in each area will be formed.
With all this well planned, the next challenge is to prepare a selection process that is in line with what was previously defined.
Training & Development
It’s not enough to hire the right people if you “stop in time” and don’t help them develop. The search for knowledge must be constant and can come from the employee himself, but the company cannot stand still.
Study – together with the team – which are the main points that need training. A simple research or analysis of the company’s problems can point out the training that the manager should look for.
The employee himself feels much more valued if he perceives that the company is concerned with developing his career. This shows that she cares about the employee and believes in his potential within the business.
Of course, you will not be able to measure exactly whether your investments in people management are bringing the desired financial return. But it is possible to extract some important metrics such as employee turnover, their performance after some training, among other data.
The universe of people management has more news every day. The corporate world has realized the importance of the topic and innovations and trends continue to emerge. Whether it’s new training or a new selection tool, keep up with what’s new in the market so you don’t get left behind.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not HR that should be responsible for all the pillars of people management. Whoever accompanies the employees on a day-to-day basis is the one who should assume this role. An area manager or coordinator can better diagnose the situation of his team. And then yes, together with HR, they can think of possible solutions.
Technology is a great ally to assist in people management. Today, there are already some tools that help measure the performance of each employee, taking into account the number of tasks completed, for example.
Another important innovation is the automatic cash management tools, such as that of Novidá. The manager can manage in real time the times and movements of his employees within the work environment, at scale.
In high-traffic locations, this helps to understand which steps are demanding the most from each employee and where the main bottlenecks are. With this data in hand, it is easier to relocate the team and optimize the operation.
Learn more about Novidá’s solutions and optimize your people management!
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